I received following question from Foodpicker.org
I was recently diagnosed with Pre-Diabetes and I’m trying to follow a low fat diet. I have a question I hope that you can answer. Are sweet potatoes considered a vegetable and are they ok to eat in my diet?
Sweet Potatoes - this sweet tasting vegetable is full of healthy surprises. They are ranked very high in nutrition value by Center of Science in Public Interest (CSPI). They are often referred to as Yams but in fact are very different. Sweet potatoes are very rich in vitamin A unlike Yams which contains very little. When compared to regular potatoes or yams, sweet potatoes are low in calories and have lower glycemic value thus play role in maintaining or lowering blood sugar. They are readily available, affordable and full of nutrients.
Health Benefits:
Abundance supply of anti-oxidants - protects against cancer and heart diseases
Low (raw) to moderate (cooked) glycemic index to maintain steady blood sugar
Among top 3 sources of potassium
Rich source of Vitamin A
Good source of Fiber
Versatile ways to add more Sweet Potatoes in Diet
Peel, cut and eat raw with low fat dip
Baked sweet potato fries - enjoy with ketchup or mustard
Bake sweet potato and top with low fat vanilla yogurt or cinnamon flavored applesauce
Two tone - Mix mashed sweet potatoes with mashed white potato. Adds color and flavor.
Breakfast - Blend into your favorite smoothie OR make pancakes
Peel, cut into small pieces and add to your favorite stews
Grill plain or seasoned with herbs for your next BBQ
Helpful Hints:
Helpful Hints:
Chose firm, dark and smooth skin sweet potatoes
To get most nutrition value choose sweet potatoes with deep orange color
Store in cool dry place at around 55-60 degrees F. Should not be refrigerated
Store in cool dry place at around 55-60 degrees F. Should not be refrigerated
Brush away all the dirt and wash properly before use
Freezing - Cooked, unpeeled sweet potatoes freeze well
Freezing - Cooked, unpeeled sweet potatoes freeze well
For more information visit - Sweet Potatoes Naturally Healthy
~ A Sweet Potato a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
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